Paige Dirksen is a printmaker and muralist residing in Bella Vista, AR, where she lives with her husband and two children. She grew up in Iowa and earned a BA in Studio Art/Psychology from the University of Northern Iowa and an MA in Art Therapy Counseling from Southern Illinois University Edwardsville.
Artist statement: As a printmaker who primarily works with woodcut prints, I find myself drawn to the meditative properties of carving and the tactile nature of the printing process. The use of natural materials such as wood and ink, coupled with the inherent imperfections of the printing process, imbue my work with a sense of humanity where I seek to create a sense of contemplation for both myself and the viewer.
Beyond my personal practice, I am passionate about community arts and my background in art therapy has allowed me to view the creative process as a tool for self-discovery and achievement. I am constantly thinking about the psychological aspects of the creative process and I really enjoy sharing my process with others.